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HDM 5.03 - Hard Disk Menu (tm) MicroFox Company
Copyright (c) 1986-95 by Jim Hass Post Office Box 447
All rights reserved world wide. Richfield OH 44286-0447
Member of <ASP> {STAR} (ESC) [ASAD] Voice/Fax (216) 659-9489
Internet 73057.3113@compuserve.com CompuServe: 73057,3113
JULY 1995: If over a year old, contact MicroFox for an HDM update.
To update an existing HDM or to install HDM for the first time:
1. Put the HDM diskette in drive A: (or B:). If downloaded from a BBS
or received on a CD, HDM can be installed from any drive/directory.
2. Key in A:INSTALL and press <Enter>. (or B:INSTALL [-VM for mono])
3. If HDM is the only program (HDMnnn.INS) on the disk to install,
skip this step, otherwise a list of programs (*.INS) that can be
installed will be shown. Highlight the HDM file and press <Enter>.
4. Use the default install-to drive and directory (C:\HDM) or change
the displayed install-to drive and directory to your own choice.
5. Then press <Enter> to start the installation process.
6. After all files are copied, your AUTOEXEC.BAT will be checked.
If HDM is already in the DOS path and the last two lines change
to the HDM directory and start HDM, the installation is complete.
If not, INSTALL will ask if you want it to update or create the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file for you. If you answer yes, your AUTOEXEC.BAT
will be renamed to AUTOEXEC.OLD before it is changed.
Note: INSTALL will retain all menu entries you have already created.
If you don't put the HDM startup in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you can
start HDM like this: (1) Change to the HDM directory (CD \HDM)
(2) key in HDM and press <ENTER>.
After starting HDM, press <F1> to read the Help Screens, then press
<F2> to display (and optionally print) HDM's documentation files.
These are the files needed to use the Hard Disk Menu:
HDM.BAT The batch file that must start the Hard Disk Menu System.
HDM.CFG Created by HDM to hold program configuration information.
HDM.GBL Created by HDM to hold global data affecting all menus.
HDM.000-999 Files used by HDM to store menus and local configuration.
HDM4DOS.EXE The main executable file that displays screens and menus.
HDMHELP.EXE Hard Disk Menu Help File. (only needed if you press F1)
HDMLIST.EXE Hard Disk Menu Reports. (only needed if you use reports)
HDMDIAL.EXE HDM phone dialer. (only needed if using {DIAL} function)
The file ORDER.DOC contains special offers and discounts on HDM and a
phone number for additional information about ordering the product.
To print the order/registration form, go to the DOS prompt and change
to the HDM directory. Key in: COPY ORDER.DOC PRN
HISTORY.DOC contains a list of the latest changes made to HDM.
SECURITY.DOC explains the Hard Disk Menu multi-level security system.
VENDOR.DOC has information for disk vendors, user groups, and SysOps.
HDM.DOC is a 150+ page User's Manual, print it using PRINTDOC.BAT.
REGISTER.DOC is a convenient form for registering your copy of HDM.
A1DEMO.000, HELPDEMO.000, HELPDEMO.HDM, HDMDEMO.HDR are sample files.
This is a fully functional program. It is not a demo and not crippled
in any way. All features are documented in the on-disk manual. If you
have trouble using the program or believe you did not receive all the
files, please contact us with the name & address of the vendor, date
received, and version number.
| HDM (tm) The Hard Disk Menu System (tm) Copyright (c) by Jim Hass |
| Author/Member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) |
HDM is distributed as Shareware. Though it is copyrighted, you are
encouraged to copy it and share it with others. You are granted a
30-day trial license to test-drive HDM and decide if it is the right
product for you. After 30 days, you must register HDM with MicroFox
or stop using it. See the file SHARWARE.DOC for more information
about the Shareware concept.
Register a currently used HDM (no disk or manual sent) .. $ 35 per PC
Receive a registered HDM Disk, but no Published Manual .. $ 40 per PC
Receive a registered HDM Disk & Published User Manual ... $ 50 per PC
5-User Network License (Disks & Manual) ............. $ 95 per Server
10-User Network License (Disks & Manual) ........... $ 125 per Server
20-User Network License (Disks & 2 Manuals) ........ $ 200 per Server
Unlimited Network License (Disks & 3 Manuals) ...... $ 275 per Server
15-User Site License (Disks & Manual) ................ $ 195 per Site
40-User Site License (Disks & 2 Manuals) ............. $ 395 per Site
90-User Site License (Disks & 3 Manuals) ............. $ 695 per Site
Unlimited Site License (Disks & 4 Manuals) ........... $ 995 per Site
25-User Corporate License (Disks & 2 Manuals) ....... $ 295 all Sites
100-User Corporate License (Disks & 3 Manuals) ...... $ 795 all Sites
300-User Corporate License (Disks & 4 Manuals) ..... $ 1395 all Sites
Unlimited Corporate License (Disks & 5 Manuals) .... $ 1995 all Sites
extra HDM Diskettes for LAN, Site & Corporate Licenses ..... $ 2 each
extra HDM Manuals for LAN, Site & Corporate Licenses ...... $ 10 each
Shipping cost for orders: $4 in USA, $5 to Canada, $9 for all others.
HDM is normally shipped on 3.5" High Density (1.44 meg) diskettes.
If you need a different disk size, just let us know what you need.
Registered users will also receive additional programs from MicroFox.
Educational discounts are available for schools, universities, etc.
Special terms are available for consultants, distributors, & stores.
Also reduced fees for SYSOPs and others who help us distribute HDM.
See the file ORDER.DOC or call (216) 659-9489 for more information.
If your screen is unreadable because of current color selections,
start with the -VM switch. You might need this for a laptop.
If HDM doesn't seem to run correctly, check the following:
Make sure you have only one copy of COMMAND.COM on your hard disk
and you have a path to it. Make sure you also have a path to the
HDM work file (usually the HDM directory) and that you start HDM
while in its own directory using HDM.BAT, do not run HDM4DOS.EXE.
Example of starting HDM from your AUTOEXEC.BAT: PATH C:\;C:\HDM
With your support, the Hard Disk Menu can continue to be improved and
expanded. This product is distributed by satisfied users. Please help
by giving copies to friends, customers, user groups, your company, or
by uploading to local bulletin boards. The only two files you need to
pass on to others are: INSTALL.EXE and HDMnnn.INS. Thank you for your
support. Send your comments, suggestions, questions and orders to:
RICHFIELD OH 44286-0447 COMPUSERVE: 73057,3113
USA PHONE # 1-216-659-9489
All HDM registrations will include a fully functional evaluation
copy of EZ-Tree, a high quality ASP shareware genealogy program.
EZ-Tree displays a tree structure on the screen for creating and
modifying family tree information. It also includes an enhanced
reporting system, tree linking, and mouse support. Also included
is SEE, a text file viewing utility with mouse support to scroll
the screen in any direction, and Precise Point, a mouse utility
that replaces the block mouse cursor with a graphic arrow in HDM.
Other programs that will be included: a simple BBS communications
program for calling BBSs and uploading & downloading files; a DOS
menu utility for limited work; NoShell, which can put security on
the ability to shell to DOS from programs; AHELP, Clipper library
for programmers; LAN Menu, a network menu utility; and PUT & GET,
compression/archive & decompression/unarchive utility programs.
When you distribute copies of HDM to others, make sure the files
INSTALL.EXE and HDMnnn.INS are included. These are all that are
needed for someone to install a complete working copy of HDM.
Note: INSTALL.EXE works on all MicroFox Install (*.INS) files.
If you "ZIP" (or other compression utility) the HDM install files
for uploading to an online service, use this naming convention:
HDMnnn.ZIP where nnn is the version number (HDM503.ZIP=HDM 5.03).